Friday, September 10, 2010

Tablet PC

Delivering his keynote at Microsoft's WinHEC conference, Bill Gates offers the audience a glimpse of a handheld-sized Tablet PC running Windows XP.

Having previously hinted that his company would seek to further shrink the size of tablets based on Windows operating systems, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates yesterday showed a concept of a handheld-sized tablet running Windows XP during his keynote at the WinHEC conference.

Microsoft Tablet PC Concept

Slightly larger than today's most sizeable Windows Mobile devices, the device is roughly half the size of current Tablet PC products and is likely aimed towards users who favour the portability and instant-on capabilities of handhelds yet require more power than such devices can currently offer.

Microsoft Tablet PC Concept

No details concerning the specifications of the concept were offered, however pictures suggest the device harbours a 5" touch screen, as well as an integrated digital camera. Feasibly, the device could also include a hard drive, however recent advances and price drops in solid state memory have made the possibility of basing such a device as this entirely around solid state technology quite likely.

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